
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi Chuai Heng Restaurant, KL May both of you continue to fall in love many times until the very end of the world!...
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi Chuai Heng Restaurant, KL May both of you continue to fall in love many times until the very end of the world!...

David and Vicky
David and Vicky EGG Restaurant The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they are right if you love to be with them all the...
David and Vicky
David and Vicky EGG Restaurant The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they are right if you love to be with them all the...

Victor and Carey
Victor Low and Carey4.3.2018 He got electrified. The rhythm of the hearts seem like beating faster than usual when meeting up with his God Lady. Love, is a special feeling...
Victor and Carey
Victor Low and Carey4.3.2018 He got electrified. The rhythm of the hearts seem like beating faster than usual when meeting up with his God Lady. Love, is a special feeling...

Jiun Hau and Jamie
Jiun Hau and JamieWisma HuaZong3.2.2018 15年是一个怎么样的光阴?15年的相知相识相爱相恋。15年的友情爱情亲情升华。...
Jiun Hau and Jamie
Jiun Hau and JamieWisma HuaZong3.2.2018 15年是一个怎么样的光阴?15年的相知相识相爱相恋。15年的友情爱情亲情升华。...

Yee Kiat and Pei Tsan
Yee Kiat and Pei Tsan4.2.2018 两位来自马来西亚生土长的新加坡留学生 在爱的丘比特以及月老的安排下 在新加坡南洋大学( NTU) 相知相识相爱。...
Yee Kiat and Pei Tsan
Yee Kiat and Pei Tsan4.2.2018 两位来自马来西亚生土长的新加坡留学生 在爱的丘比特以及月老的安排下 在新加坡南洋大学( NTU) 相知相识相爱。...

Shafiee and Sook Yen
Shafiee and Sook Yen A mesmerising evening with lots of affection, love and laughter! With the presence of His Excellency The High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam, lovely parents and wonderful...
Shafiee and Sook Yen
Shafiee and Sook Yen A mesmerising evening with lots of affection, love and laughter! With the presence of His Excellency The High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam, lovely parents and wonderful...