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Ling Xiao and Ai Shi
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi Chuai Heng Restaurant, KL May both of you continue to fall in love many times until the very end of the world!...
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi Chuai Heng Restaurant, KL May both of you continue to fall in love many times until the very end of the world!...
David and Vicky
David and Vicky EGG Restaurant The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they are right if you love to be with them all the...
David and Vicky
David and Vicky EGG Restaurant The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they are right if you love to be with them all the...
Victor and Carey
Victor Low and Carey4.3.2018 He got electrified. The rhythm of the hearts seem like beating faster than usual when meeting up with his God Lady. Love, is a special feeling...
Victor and Carey
Victor Low and Carey4.3.2018 He got electrified. The rhythm of the hearts seem like beating faster than usual when meeting up with his God Lady. Love, is a special feeling...
Chinese Traditional Wedding
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Caecee and Trang – Chinese Traditional Wedding
Caecee and Trang 即使是天涯海角 要相遇的 始终会相恋 就好像他们 一个来自马来西亚 一个来自越南如果不是他决定去越南做生意...
Caecee and Trang – Chinese Traditional Wedding
Caecee and Trang 即使是天涯海角 要相遇的 始终会相恋 就好像他们 一个来自马来西亚 一个来自越南如果不是他决定去越南做生意...
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi – Chinese Traditional Wedding
28.4.2018凌霄与爱诗 世界那么大 在不远处 总有一个等着与你共度一辈子的人这对可爱的璧人 见面的时候 感觉他们有些腼腆...
Ling Xiao and Ai Shi – Chinese Traditional Wedding
28.4.2018凌霄与爱诗 世界那么大 在不远处 总有一个等着与你共度一辈子的人这对可爱的璧人 见面的时候 感觉他们有些腼腆...
Brian and Elayne – Chinese Traditional Wedding
Brian and Elayne 月老有一份神圣的工作就是撮合世界上所有的有情人...
Brian and Elayne – Chinese Traditional Wedding
Brian and Elayne 月老有一份神圣的工作就是撮合世界上所有的有情人...
Annual Dinner
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Zenith Group Award and Appreciation Night 2018 ...
Zenith Group Award and Appreciation Night 2018 – Bollywood!3.3.2018 It’s always my pleasure while working with the company that you hosted with before, just like Zenith Group. This awesome and...
Zenith Group Award and Appreciation Night 2018 ...
Zenith Group Award and Appreciation Night 2018 – Bollywood!3.3.2018 It’s always my pleasure while working with the company that you hosted with before, just like Zenith Group. This awesome and...
Mylanohaus 7th Annual Dinner
Mylanohaus 7th Annual Dinner 22.2.2018 The 7th Annual DinnerThe 7th day of Chinese New YearThe 7th agent to receive title of 007. A night that was full of James Bonds...
Mylanohaus 7th Annual Dinner
Mylanohaus 7th Annual Dinner 22.2.2018 The 7th Annual DinnerThe 7th day of Chinese New YearThe 7th agent to receive title of 007. A night that was full of James Bonds...
GBSB 9th Annual Dinner 2018
Welcome to GBSB 9th Annual Dinner 2018! Elegance is eternity when you learned to love yourself more than yesterday. It’s Emcee Jerry’s pleasure to host this momentous moments with all...
GBSB 9th Annual Dinner 2018
Welcome to GBSB 9th Annual Dinner 2018! Elegance is eternity when you learned to love yourself more than yesterday. It’s Emcee Jerry’s pleasure to host this momentous moments with all...
San Lorenzo Montessori CNY Charity Bazaar
San Lorenzo Montessori KindergartenChinese New Year Charity Bazaar 2018at One City. 3.2.2018 It’s never too late to lend a hand to the vulnerable group. This time we were going to offer...
San Lorenzo Montessori CNY Charity Bazaar
San Lorenzo Montessori KindergartenChinese New Year Charity Bazaar 2018at One City. 3.2.2018 It’s never too late to lend a hand to the vulnerable group. This time we were going to offer...
Testimonial from San Lorenzo Montessori
Client happy, Emcee Jerry Wong is happy too! Thank you so much for the good words. It’s the words that make Emcee Jerry to host better in the future!
Testimonial from San Lorenzo Montessori
Client happy, Emcee Jerry Wong is happy too! Thank you so much for the good words. It’s the words that make Emcee Jerry to host better in the future!